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PLEASE NOTE THAT DR CRAIG IS NOT DOING ANY CONSULTATIONS WITH PATIENTS AT PRESENTPlease contact for credible sexual health and relationship providers


Dr Elmari Mulder Craig

European Certified Sexologist 
Couples Therapist
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Clinical Supervisor



During individual sessions, presented and underlying issues are explored and processed on a one to one basis. Various counselling techniques are used from Neuro-Linguistic programming (NLP), Psychotherapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Hypnotherapy according to the individual’s unique needs.



During Couples Therapy, relationship issues between two people (in any stage of the relationship) are addressed.



Sexual health is not only about physical well-being, but about healthy relationships, safe sexual experiences and embracing our sexuality.


Clinical Hypnotherapy

Clinical hypnotherapy is a combination of hypnosis and therapeutic intervention. 


Seminars & Talks

Dr Craig is a well-known and established speaker who presents nationally and internationally. Her talks on relationship enrichment and sexual wellness are very popular.

Therapy Sessions

Dr Craig practices cutting edge evidence based therapy and regularly attends international scientific meetings to ensure she stays up to date with the most recent developments in the field of sexuality and relationship dynamics. You can be confident that the challenges you face will be addressed in a sensitive, compassionate and confidential manner. The treatment approach is short-term, directive, problem focused and solution-orientated for long lasting results and combines years of experience and knowledge of different treatment modalities.


Working within a systemic and sexual medicine paradigm, implies a bio-psycho-social approach that includes the vital element of working within a multi-disciplinary team. Dr Craig collaborates with other specialists in the field like pelvic floor dysfunction physiotherapists, sexual medicine clinicians and addiction specialists.

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About Dr Craig

Dr Craig has been in private practice for almost 30 years and is a globally recognised authority in the fields of sexuality and relationships.

She was one of the first South Africans to obtain the prestigious European Federation of Sexology and European Society for Sexual Medicine: European Certified Sexologist, qualification and is a previous President of The Southern African Sexual Health Association.

Read her CV at About Dr Craig


White Branch


Dr Craig is a world class doctor that is surrounded by an amazing team. Take the time to take your relationship to an unknown level. H Van Jaarsveld


Marble Surface
Marble Surface

The crucial thing in any relationship is the ability to repair the inevitable breaks. That’s the rhythm of a relationship – finding, losing, and then finding again

  Carol Gillian

Marble Surface

Communication is to relationship, what breath is to life

Virginia Satir

Definition of Sex:

A sexually pleasurable experience that is affectionately shared among equals

Ellen, T.M Laon & kie

Marble Surface

Transformation begins in you, wherever you are, whatever has happened, however you are suffering. Transformation is always possible. We do not heal in isolation. When we reach out and connect with one another -when we tell the story, name the hurt, grant forgiveness, and renew or release the relationship - our suffering begins to transform

Desmond Tutu

Cintocare Hospital

175 Frikkie De Beer Street



South Africa


082 783 6633


Please note that Dr Craig is not consulting with patients at present

Mon - Fri: 8am - 5pm


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© 2021 by Elmari Craig 

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